how it all started.

Michael A. Alston. Founder of 3:33 Studios, is an American commercial photographer, filmmaker, explorer, artist, and influencer specializing in advertising, documentaries, music videos, and humanitarian/environmental initiatives. His work has been published in Men’s Health Magazine, ABC, and ESPN+. Throughout the years, Alston has been assigned projects all over the world and has helped start a subsidiary company entitled The NightOwl Collective to aid local photographers, filmmakers, and models to collaborate on various projects within the United States capital and surrounding areas.

Artist Statement

In the fall of 2017, I took a HUGE risk. I quit my job.

I was unhappy. I felt unfulfilled. Most of the time I was stressed out. I even had to go to therapy because, after a while, I became depressed.

One day I realized that sitting around moping and being sad about my circumstances would not make me feel any better about my circumstances.

I had always been interested in photography and film. I have always been told that I was very creative. After talking to a few of my friends I decided to purchase my very first camera. At first, I didn’t know what to expect. I figured that I would use it as a hobby or to pass the time. Eventually, it became more than that. I grew very passionate about it and I decided to build a business and lifestyle around it. I taught myself everything that I know now and I have been fortunate enough to work with some of the world's most unique brands and social media influencers in the short period of one year.

I decided to name the brand 3:33 (Three Thirty-Three) because, the number Three represents Spirituality, The Holy Trinity, and Growth. Also, because every time that I checked my watch the time would always be 3:33. So, it had to mean something, right? The most important aspect of this brand is to “Aspire To Inspire”.

This is NOT just about photography or film. The message that I want everyone to receive from this brand is to give back. Inspire the uninspired. I want to show everyone that no matter the circumstance that hard work, in fact, does pay off. You can be successful in any and everything with commitment and dedication. And that no goal is unattainable.

I hope that at the very least that I can inspire just one person to follow their dreams and reach their goals.

I hope that you all enjoy my work and pass on this message.

Remember to ALWAYS Aspire To Inspire

-M. Alston